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Refreshing Yourself, Boosting Your Energy and Improving Your State of Mind

Refreshing Yourself, Boosting Your Energy and Improving Your State of Mind


Water, beautiful , clear, fresh water— a wonderful source of a health for you at work, for our friends and neighbors far and near and for our Beloved Earth.  April 29,  2017 was  the date of the People’s Climate March in Washington DC and one of the hottest days in April on record in our capital.  There were signs everywhere. Small cardboard signs, billboards, electric signs and people with microphones reminding everyone to, “Stay hydrated”. Staying hydrated with clean water is essential for our patients, for ourselves and for our dear Earth.  As nurses, part of caring for our patients is caring for the environment. Protecting Earth’s water, Earth’s circulatory system, is essential for all life on this precious planet. Staying hydrated with clean water is an aspect of your own good self care and healthy habits at work and elsewhere.

Nella Pineda-Marcon of the NYSNA spoke to 100’s of people at the People’s Climate March on Washington this past week. Sharing wisdom and compassion from her nursing experience she reminded us of how changes in Earth’s climate are impacting people and their health care  in the US and around the world. As nurses we have always taken care of people when they are challenged by disease, and assisted those living in war torn areas. Today the most vulnerable people everywhere are feeling the impacts of climate change first and hardest. Climate change effects mental health as well as physical health. The higher and more intense winds and storms with flooding, extremes of heat and cold makes growing food and survival even more challenging. For the poorest, there is nowhere to move to. Nurses make a difference when we speak up with scientific evidence to support our wisdom and understanding. The the current political trends towards austerities based in the lack of awareness that we all share only one planet make for fewer resources to help the vulnerable get back on their feet, and our jobs harder. We are proud of our nurse colleagues who are proactive in caring for themselves and others as you continue to advocate for healthy environments, healthy life styles and equitable health care for all .

Speaking up for water today let’s look at some facts to support you in caring for yourself, your patients and your planet Earth.

Up to 60% of the human adult body is water, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water.

About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.

Staying hydrated on your busy shift is as important as keeping Earth’s hydration in balance. 

  1. The time you spend drinking water is a pause that can reset your mental clarity and give you a moment to rethink what has been going on.
  2. Your body needs water and by keeping your fluids balanced, so your body can continue doing its job­–transporting nutrients, digesting, regulating temperature, removing toxins, etc.
  3. Drinking water helps you to focus, think and concentrate thereby improving alertness. Dehydration causes shrinkage of brain tissue. So when you haven’t been drinking enough water, your brain has to work a lot harder to perform at the same level.
  4. Drinking water aids digestion and can be helpful in preventing constipation.
  5. Bringing your own water saves you money rather than drinking whatever is in the vending machine.
  6. You can flavor your water with lemon, crushed basil, an herbal tea bag, crushed fruit, or even a few drops of a fruit concentrate.
  7. Flushing out toxins through sweat, urination and feces you fight infections, prevent UTI’s and other ailments.
  8. You can prevent lightheadedness and headaches caused by dehydration.
  9. When you drink water before a meal, it becomes a natural appetite suppressant if you are trying to lose weight.
  10. Staying hydrated protects your joints and cartilage by keeping them lubricated- so you can move with greater ease.

Staying hydrated on your busy shift is as important as keeping Earth’s circulatory system in balance.

Drinking a glass of water before you start your day and as you end your day is a great way to connect to your gratitude. Remembering that water comes not only from pipes and bottles, but from streams, lakes and reservoirs awakens us to our connection to our essential nature and to others.

Another easy to tune into this awareness is when you join our
Free Virtual Connecting Weekly Call-in for Nurses
Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 pm EST
Phone 712-432-3066
Pin 177444

There is a short guided relaxation, followed by a short time for silence
in community and optional sharing.

Water makes up about two thirds of who we are, and influences 100 percent of the processes in our body.     Doug Casa, PhD.

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