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keystone practices

5 Ways to Get Unstuck, Open to Opportunity and Choreograph Your Dance

Now is a great time to begin reflecting upon the past year, the challenges you have risen to, those you avoided and the goals and opportunities calling you in the new year. In the last 20-30 years nurses have been developing new specialties such as nurse coaching, end of life doula services (separate from hospice employment), expert witness services for litigation, in addition to APRN’s hanging out their own shingles. Today there is wonderful business support for and by nurses for those who decide to make the leap for independence. The health care industry is exploding with expanding technologies while the internet and social media are opening new doors beyond the traditional nurse work venues – hospitals, clinics, military, airlines, camps, universities etc. Nurses everywhere bring diverse skill sets, re-purposing them for innovation and improvements that benefit not only nurses, but those we serve. Change is the operative word in the world we live in these days. What are you doing for yourself and those you serve to manifest your creativity and joy?  Are you holding yourself back and if so what habits and thoughts do you engage to keep you stuck? How do you approach the change, if you are to become unstuck?

Whether or not you are considering moving out of the traditional venues of practice, facing your personal obstacles to change is the critical first step. In taking care of your essence and your spirit, your soul is required for making healthy decisions.  If your brain is in a food fog, or a drug fog, if you are not getting enough sleep, if you are angry and unhappy at work more than you’d like to be, if you are not communicating effectively with your colleagues or you have been procrastinating maybe this will be the year you develop your keystone practices so you can show up for yourself and those you love.

5 Ways to Get Unstuck, Open to Opportunity and Choreograph Your Dance

1. Don’t believe everything you think. (The mind thinks all sorts of contradictory thoughts.)

2. Recognize perfectionism as a form of procrastination.

3. Change offers expanded vision and refreshing growth, though it may not be comfortable.

4. Curiosity shifts you from the restricting habits of criticism and judgement.

5. You will bloom in community~ get the support you need from those who believe in you.

I used these 5 steps recently. I was considering going to the National Nurses in Business Association (NNBA) conference. The loud  voices in my head were  saying such things as, “you are too new, you  need to hone your business skills more, you need to get more skilled with social media… etc.” Not believing everything I think, committed to living with my felt experiences of discomfort and moving beyond my comfort zones at work and at home, I realized the fears I felt were from old mindsets and a longing for comfort. With the insightful questions and the support of friends and my business coach, the power of curiosity took me to a new and interesting space. I began to wonder who would be there, how I could move INS forward to reach more nurses, helping them to heal and prevent burnout. The criticisms and judgments, obscurations of fear, shifted. Empowered by curiosity and open to adventure (and the expectation of a visit to the Gulf of Mexico), I booked a flight and a room in sunny St. Petersburg to attend the 2017 NNBA conference. Upon arrival I discovered many gifted, empowered, generous and inspiring nurses. (Generally that is who we are though, right?)  Nurses with established successful  businesses (some 6 figures) guided and educated their colleagues by their sharing tips, strategies and recipes for success.  There was mutual support in developing business ideas and ways to pursue creative solutions to all sorts of health care situations, patient and staff needs.

Whether or not you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur, it is so important to find a community to support you in articulating and manifesting your dreams. A community who with kindness and gentleness challenges your desire for comfort and your habitual thoughts, encouraging you to be and do your best. It is important to spend time with yourself so that you can nourish your creativity and your spirit to find the wisdom that resides within you. Becoming curious whenever you notice yourself judging or criticizing yourself or another will open your own colorful horizons of love, peace as you become increasingly intimate with yourself. Accepting yourself where you are, knowing that you are always doing your best which looks different on different days is a huge step towards moving away from the saddle of procrastination and its harness of perfectionism towards participation in the wild dance of your life.

Sharing is a way of setting up  accountability for yourself. Last year I committed to my community that INS would offer the VIP program (Vitality in Progress program) 4 times and I would write a blog every week. Well, we offered the program 3 times and ran it once. Realizing we need to market more, I have written 43 blogs, made a vlog, hosted 3 guest blogs, wrote a guest blog, hosted 51 Self Care for Vitality phone calls, 2 radio interviews all to market INS so we can serve you. We want to support you in developing your keystone habits, preventing burnout and assisting you in your healing journey if you are experiencing vital exhaustion. Not too bad for just starting out and next year will be even better! The VIP program needs more marketing and you can help us by getting the word out about how much you have gained from the program, which we will add to our testimonial pages.  We will continue to offer content by writing more blogs, providing more VIP programs, more radio shows and we are adding speaking engagements to support you and your colleagues.

Please join us in sharing your challenges from this past year and how you met them. Count us as part of your community support. Inspire yourself as you inspire us by stepping up to share with us your dreams and goals for the next year.


 Vitality in Progress: Healing and Preventing Burnout for Nurses the 9 week program that supports nurses in developing their own personalized keystone practices of Self care.  With successful completion, you receive 39 ANCC approved CNE’s in addition to meeting wonderful peers and receiving bi-weekly mentoring! Check us out, as the next series starts in January 2018 and there is an early bird discount.

In the meantime, if you want to see what we are like, join our  Free Virtual Connecting Weekly Call-in for Nurses  

 Self Care for Vitality             Phone 712-775-8968                Pin 177444
There is a guided relaxation, followed by a short time for silence in community and optional sharing. We present tips and strategies for Self care on a variety of topics such as:
Setting boundaries, balance, healing, self love, vulnerability, and other topics as they arise.
You can join in with a share or just listen in.           
Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 pm EST


Have a beautiful week in reflection, contemplation, getting unstuck, opening to opportunity, visualizing your goals and successes for the coming year choreographing your own dance!

With love, Padma

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